October 2018

Shop For Security

Do you ever stop and wonder why shopping is considered just a girls’ thing. Why is it that a guy can’t be interested in shopping as well? But, let’s get one thing out of the way first. Shopping is a broad term, and it can define looking for something to buy. Here in this context, that something doesn’t mean clothes or bling, even women have way more diverse shopping lists than that. No, we are talking about shopping for security. Now, isn’t that something you don’t hear about every day. We are well aware of that. Which is why we have created an all security focused online store for all your security needs. We have everything you could dream of in your safest of dreams!

Social Media friendly

We know the worlds-a-changing. It’s not as easy to walk down to a store like it used to be. So other than our online store, we also have a big social media presence. From Facebook to twitter to LinkedIn, you name it, we are there. You will find the details about our company, our associated brands and our offers along with reviews from our very real customers. So, tap into that young you and feel one among the millennial by liking us and following us. You will start receiving all the latest notifications of our latest additions to our awesome stock.

We service

It’s not just our keeping up with the times aspect that we pride ourselves in. Being a shopper friendly company, we know that just selling a product isn’t enough. There are other aspects to a shopping experience as well. Which is why we take a walk with you down shopping lane, from the initial entrance to the last. Whether you are looking for an electric strike lock, or a concept access control systems, or even a good hikvision intercom, we will be there for you every step of the way. If you are in the market but are not yet sure of what to shop for, even in that situation our shopping friendly team will lend you all their experience to figure out what best fits your security requirements. Then, when you are done shopping, your purchase will be shipped to you instantly and at the time of delivery you will be received by one of our experts who will install the equipment so you don’t have to go around looking for a professional. Plus point is, they even tidy up after themselves!

If you are still not sure of whether to shop for security at iCAM Security then trust that your security means everything to us. The reason behind us providing you with a great overall shopping experience is so that you can easily assess our products in the comfort of your own home, without rushing. Our products come from the best, most reliable brands in the market and our age old partnership with them ensures that we receive only the finest quality originals. So, start your shopping spree with us now and soon you’ll be an avid shopper too.    

Technology Services

How To Help Clients Remember Your Brand

No one needs to tell you that the market today is crowded with competitors! You really need to up your game and provide splendid service to your clients if you intend to stand out in the crowds. It will give you a unique advantage in the market for sure. The article below gives some tips and suggestions that will help you in this regard.

Make your advertising campaigns unique

People are exposed to countless numbers of promotional messages throughout the day. It really will be hard for them to remember them all! So you must make sure your ad campaigns truly stand out. In order to do this, you must know your target audience really well. Know what motivates them, know what drives them and then use your knowledge to create advertisements that will truly connect with them. You can consider creating an emotional connection with your target audience. This will help them remember the brand. Bring out nostalgia, make the ads uniquely personal and they will remember you!

Train staff

You have to ensure that everyone who deals with your clients is well trained to perform the task well. You want to be remembered as a great brand, not as an awful company that cannot care less about its clients! You can have pro supplier management software installed so that prompt responses will always be given. Make sure everyone who works at the front office is aware of the friendly ethos of the company.

Handle problems effectively

You will inevitably encounter problems with your clients. Look for the silver lining in these negative situations. Here is an opportunity to truly connect with a client! For sure, the client will be annoyed and upset when he comes to you with the problem, but the way you manage the situation will convert him from a disgruntled client to a delighted advocate! Complaint management software has to be coupled with the warmth of human interaction. You will soon see major results!

Be consistent

You have to ensure that all your noble endeavors to please and delight customers are consistent. You can’t treat them nice today and be angry tomorrow. Every day you have to show up to help them, to delight them and enchant them. Deliver on your brand promises faithfully. Never compromise the quality of your products and services offered. It really is hard to reach the zenith of success, but it sure is harder to remain there! So take all the necessary steps to make it happen because if you do, you will have many years of success to boast of!